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Mental revolution

The book Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962, Thomas Kuhn) brought the word paradigm into common use. Ideas from fifty years ago about research science apply today to computer science and the software industry. This is one parallel Kuhn makes, extended to illuminate how we think about programming.

The human mind does not perceive objects incrementally, feature by feature. We grasp images as coherent wholes. Sometimes when we step back, we can see the object in a new way. When we step back even farther, we might perceive it as something more basic and universal.

For instance, consider:

What do you see first, the duck or the rabbit? Now that I mention them, do you see them both? You can switch back and forth between them at will. If you stare at the picture long enough, you might see it instead as a collection of lines. You can perceive these lines as forming a duck or a rabbit, but in both cases you see the more universal nature of the lines.

This is like the wave-particle duality of light. A millenium ago, light was pictured as a particle. About five hundred years ago, Descartes observed that it behaved like a wave. Newton saw light as particles. Maxwell showed that light is waves. Einstein saw the particle nature of light again, and finally combined the two. Stepping back, it turns out that all particles have wave-like properties. Just as all duck drawings and all rabbit drawings are composed of lines, all matter has a quantized wave nature.

This same process of discovery can apply to software design. Take, for instance, the Strategy Pattern. Say we need to tell our SearchEngine at construction which RankingAlgorithm it should use. In an object-oriented design, such as for Java, it looks like this:

From a functional programming paradigm, it’s simpler. For a first implementation, we might give the search a lambda or a reference to a ranking function that translates a document to something orderable.

search :: (Document -> Ord) -> Doc[] -> String

These are two ways to view the same solution – either we’re implementing the Strategy pattern, or we’re passing in a function. When both of these views make sense, take a step back and observe that in both cases we’re doing the same thing: we’re passing a behavior. Look at it as a Strategy or as function-passing, whatever is better suited to our environment. Understanding both views and the common principle behind them gives a broader perspective on design.

This is a simple example, but the principle applies to many concepts in programming. Playing with Hadoop and then doing list processing in a functional language can show the common nature of map-reduce. Seeing the commonalities between two views of the same concept shows what is core to map-reduce and what is an implementation detail specific to Hadoop.

Get too focused on the duck, and you might never see the lines. In software, as in life, it helps to adopt a new paradigm. After we see a problem in a new light, we can step back and look for the broader concepts. This leads to a new level of understanding we can never see if we keep insisting that light is a wave and that picture has a beak.

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